Equity in Early Learning, Knowledge and Services
Advancing the Value in Education Equity
Develop equity-centered programs and services that disrupt the disparity in access to quality early education and resources for marginalized students, especially Black boys and girls, preschool-to-3rd grade, from low-income families, communities, and schools.
Provide an equity-centered lens professional development, coaching, and workshops to families, early educators, and community partners, focusing on diversity, inclusivity, and cultural sensitivity.
Present a paradigm of services that expresses the value of educational equity to increase the learning success of marginalized students from low-income families, communities, and schools underachieving academically.
Disrupt the predestined school-to-prison pipeline that creates a disparity in access to equity and quality education and resources for marginalized students, especially Black boys and girls, from preschool to 3rd grades by completing a trajectory of understanding of individual learning style to student achievement and support.